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  • Money Mastery 6 Week Program

    The 8 Pillars of Financial Freedom were channeled to me the past year while I struggled with healing my own money wounds. By healing blockages and embodying these pillars, we can begin to drastically shift our financial reality to meet our deepest financial goals and desires. The 8 Pillars included in the program are: 1) How including God (Universe) in your financial world is key for success 2) Addressing the topic of self-worth and how this affects our financial habits 3) Earning and how you have been limiting yourself 4) Spending and allocation of resources 5) Debt management and breaking out of karmic debting cycles 6) The power of saving in your practical and spiritual life to heal scarcity 7) How investing can expand possibility in your life 8) The beauty and power of giving to causes that are important to you Through a combination of insightful teachings, hypnotherapy techniques, inner child work, belief work and energic activations, this program will empower participants to cultivate a holistic approach to financial freedom that encompasses not only wealth accumulation but also spiritual fulfillment, personal growth, and breaking free from self-sabotage and scarcity thinking. How we'll do it: *Deep energetic shifts through a variety of healing modalities focused to rewire your brain, learn new more powerful beliefs, shed karmic patterns and wounds that have previously been holding you back from success, abundance and wealth! *I will use my gifts as a psychic intuitive that will help you identify what YOU specifically need for healing *Break through limiting energies, to create lasting change *Learn about these powerful pillars that were channeled to me during my own money healing which have changed my life and the life of my clients *Get actionable, real steps you can take to embody what we learn Included: *6 Weekly live zoom calls *Lifelong access to recorded program *Dynamic Calls include learning, healing and energetic activations *Each call will include teaching, healing, journal prompts and insights unique to your specific needs *For paid in full programs, you receive a 1x1 Money and Mindset session with me that will further compound your growth! Your future self is calling, isn't it time you answered? Let's embark on a transformative journey towards financial liberation and abundance!

  • Online Intuitive Healing Session

    60-minute remote session, Zoom link will be emailed after purchase. Step into transformative sessions where your soul's needs are met with precision, even when clarity eludes you. Whether you're intuitively drawn to seek guidance or have a specific theme in mind, my sessions are tailored to your unique journey. Guided by intention-setting and the universal flow, each session becomes a unique experience, crafted to address your deepest needs. With a diverse toolkit comprising energy work (including Reiki), tarot and oracle readings, astrology insights, forgiveness and inner child work, mediumship, psychic channeling, and subconscious belief reprogramming, I provide a holistic approach to your spiritual evolution. My qualifications, including an MBA from Valdosta State and expertise as a Human Design Projector, further enrich the guidance I offer. By surrendering to the universe alongside you, we uncover pathways to your highest self effortlessly. Should you desire a focused exploration, simply communicate your intentions, and I'll facilitate the journey with ease. I eagerly anticipate our connection, ready to unveil the transformations that await, activating your journey toward your highest potential. We understand that financial constraints can sometimes pose challenges. That's why we offer a sliding scale for those facing such situations. Moreover, we provide bundle pricing for those purchasing more than three sessions at once. If you have any questions or would like to explore your options further, please feel free to reach out by submitting a contact form. Don't forget to include your phone number, so we can have a chat about the best solutions for you!

  • In Person Intuitive Healing Session

    Step into transformative sessions where your soul's needs are met with precision, even when clarity eludes you. Whether you're intuitively drawn to seek guidance or have a specific theme in mind, my sessions are tailored to your unique journey. Guided by intention-setting and the universal flow, each session becomes a unique experience, crafted to address your deepest needs. With a diverse toolkit comprising energy work (including Reiki), tarot and oracle readings, astrology insights, forgiveness and inner child work, mediumship, psychic channeling, and subconscious belief reprogramming, I provide a holistic approach to your spiritual evolution. My qualifications, including an MBA from Valdosta State and expertise as a Human Design Projector, further enrich the guidance I offer. By surrendering to the universe alongside you, we uncover pathways to your highest self effortlessly. Should you desire a focused exploration, simply communicate your intentions, and I'll facilitate the journey with ease. I eagerly anticipate our connection, ready to unveil the transformations that await, activating your journey toward your highest potential. We understand that financial constraints can sometimes pose challenges. That's why we offer a sliding scale for those facing such situations. Moreover, we provide bundle pricing for those purchasing more than three sessions at once. If you have any questions or would like to explore your options further, please feel free to reach out by submitting a contact form. Don't forget to include your phone number, so we can have a chat about the best solutions for you!

  • Monthly Group Healing Workshop

    In our monthly group healing night, we invite you to join us in a space of community, connection, and insight. This is an opportunity to come together with like-minded individuals, exploring the realms of the unseen and the intuitive. Format: The evening unfolds in a flow designed to nurture and support each participant: Opening and Intention Setting: We begin by opening the space, setting our intentions, and inviting in the presence of our angels, guides, and ancestors. This sets the tone for a supportive and sacred gathering. Group Healing: Following the opening, we engage in a collective healing session. This is a time for collective energy work, where we come together to support each other in releasing blockages, finding balance, and nurturing our well-being on all levels. Individual Readings: The heart of the evening lies in the opportunity for individual insight and guidance. If we have time at the end, participants are welcome to raise their Zoom hand for a free mini-reading. Whether you seek clarity on matters of love, life, career, or any other aspect of your journey, our intuitive guide is here to offer their insights and guidance. Closing and Gratitude: As the evening draws to a close, we take a moment to close the space with gratitude. We offer thanks for the wisdom received, the connections made, and the support of the unseen forces that guide us on our paths. Join Us: We invite you to join us for an evening filled with fun, insight, and connection. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the world of psychic exploration, all are welcome in our inclusive and supportive community. Come, and let's journey together into the realms of the unseen, discovering the guidance and wisdom that awaits us.

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