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  • Your manifesting isn't broken

    In my spiritual journey, I have found myself going between extremes as I learned to embody different spiritual truths. One of these has been going from control to surrender. As a recovering control enthusiast, I really quite sucked at trusting that the Universe had everything under its divine order. For many years I felt like I had to micromanage every little aspect of my life. But over time, I began to swing my pendulum to the other side and at times, I found myself in an almost extreme case of surrender. This was further exaserbated when I learned that I was a Projector in Human Design. For purposes of this little story, the main thing you need to know is that in a very literal translation, Projectors are meant to wait for invitations. For a while, this kept me hiding and not really putting myself out there, all the while waiting for someone else to give me the go ahead. Talk about complete surrender. And just in general, the differences between surrender and manifesting (aka cocreation) has given me much food for thought. I have looked back on my journey and seen times where I was trying to manifest something that didn't come into my life. But so often, we hear in the spiritual world that we are mirror images of our creator and that we can manifest ANYTHING we want. Which is just not logically possible. Like, if I wanted to become a 6' tall man, that is probably not gonna happne. We are bombarded with information about how to manifest better and with more ease, while on the flipside we are told to surrender. It's an area that can have lots of conflicting information. And, can make us feel like we are doing something wrong if our life doesn't look like we think it should. I believe in a very general sense, that we are always driven my Spirit and our higher selves to want to heal. I also believe that we are meant to have SOME specific experiences and some RANDOM experiences. We are meant to enjoy life and in some instances we can cocreate freely. However, I also believe that there are some things that Spirit will not allow us to bring into the physical. Either because it would be too much of a detriment to our journey, or the absence of the thing is actually where the growth happens. Take for instance, when I was in my Twin Flame journey a few years back. I felt this strong connection with a guy who was in my life for a fairly short period of time. However, I wanted him BAD. For a while, I really thought he was my divine partner. I was reading all the things and learning to manifest and was getting pretty damn good at it. But no matter what I did, no matter how hard I manifested, he just wasn't coming over to play on my team. It was infuriating if I'm totally honest. But over time, I realized that the lessons from our connection were much more potent if he wasn't in my physical reality. Without him even being in my life anymore, I learned about energetic boundaries, I healed a lot of my abandonment wound, I learned acceptance, I released control, and the list goes on and on. If the Universe had allowed me to bring him into my life, it probably would have set me (and him) back quite a bit spiritually. Yesterday, I had a download about this. If we were given the choice, we would very minimally willingly choose struggle. But so often struggle is what it takes for us to get to the thing we desire. Think about it, if my desire is a loving healthy partnership, manifesting him would have been a temporary victory that didn't really allow me to heal. Neither of us were capable of healthy at that point, and especially not together. Now, I can't speak for him but I do know that he triggered the **ck balls out of me. He brought to light almost every wound and shadow I had around men and romantic partnership. Him leaving was actually one of the greatest gifts I ever recieved. But me from 5 years ago could not be convinced of that. And I def would not have chosen it. If you find yourself in a situation you don't like right now, take some time to ponder why you might be there. Ask yourself what blessings are in disguise. What you might look back in 5 years and realize about this period of your life. Sometimes all it takes is a little shift in perspective to make the current more digestible while joyfully being prepared for what the future holds. Remember - you are loved, you are supported and seen, and nothing lasts forever. Sincerely and with much love, Your Spiritual CFO (aka Robin)

  • That inner voice

    My inner voice has been a struggle for most of my life. For a long time, I didn't know where this voice was coming from. Honestly, I was just too focused on trying to make it be quiet that I didn't have the time or awareness to question it. I thought this voice would be quiet once I was perfect. For so many years, I thought something was inherently wrong with me. I thought that others had their shit together in life, love, relationships, you name it. So I pushed and degraded myself, trying to just be good enough. And in many ways, I held myself back. And then at some point, my eyes were opened and I learned that we all have our own version of this internal voice. Working with clients has further opened my eyes; so many of us think we have to do something to be loved or worthy. We give too much credence to this voice that takes up so much energy and space. The voice that SEEMS so real from day to day. This voice that, at times, can assist us in pushing forward towards uncharted territories. This voice is not all bad. What I have noticed in my own life is the challenge comes when I am allowing this voice to run rampant. Those seem to be the times it can dump toxic energy into my mind, body and soul. When the voice is unchecked, and we are unaware of what it's doing, it can really become this large mass. Today in meditation, I was being curious with this internal voice of mine. What it said to me is that it was trying to protect me. And for a long time I kinda understand that. In my younger years, I was very sensitive to the point of lacking emotional intelligence or maturity. However, at the amazing, enlightening age of 44, I have developed a great degree of understanding and being comfortable with emotions, so life doesn't send me into quite the tailspin it used to. The voice was protecting me by keeping me from being too seen, from putting myself out there too much, from making perceived mistakes, and I'm sure other things. But I guess one of the overall results is that it kept me in somewhat of an emotional cocoon. If I didn't put myself out there, people couldn't make fun of me. If I didn't open myself to love, I couldn't be hurt by others. To be honest, I'm not sure if we ever completely get rid of this voice. I know that part of it is the bigger collective energy, and I am an eternal opptomsit, so I have hope. Maybe someday it will completely be obliterated and all that will remain is rainbows and unicorns. But for now, we need to learn to work with this voice and stop letting it rule our life. Spirit is having me share this message because likely there is some area of your life that is calling for greater expansion and growth. An area that you feel afraid to move forward in. Something that you desire but also something that could feel so scary and big. So, yea, the inner voice may be trying to protect you. And that's fine, USE it for what it is. Be practical in the areas you need to be. Make sure you are dotting your I's and crossing your T's. But , DO NOT allow it to hold you back. Know that your dreams, passion and purpose are so much bigger than that voice. I invite you to take that thing that has been wanting to move in your life and sit with it. Based on the oracle card I pulled from the Doreen Virtue deck, Daily Guidance from your Angels, I'd say that owning a business could be in your field. If that doesn't resonate with you, notice the flame that the angel has, this is def a passion project of some sort. So, be curious about how you can take one step towards this goal or desire. Allow yourself to feel the feelings that come up along the way. Allow yourself to be logical and organized when the situation calls for it. But please remember, you are the co-creator with the Universe. You are capable and you are loved and guided and protected. Stop putting things off, and go out and be the damn magical unicorn that you are. Shine on y'all, Robin Your Spiritual CFO

  • Being Seen

    I think you would have to live under a rock to not have heard the terminology of "being seen" in the spiritual community. It tends to be another catch phrase that healers and coaches use to get people "out there". Wherever "out there" is. When people talk about being seen, they are most likely referring to allowing your true self to shine out into the world. All of your idiosyncrasies, your fears, your vulnerability, your gifts, your true vibration and essence. But sometimes it's not as easy as it sounds. It is also perhaps doing a live on social media or teaching a class for the first time. Being seen can look different based on many factors and can change throughout your journey and even during the week. Being seen is something that happens after a certain level of safety is built in your body. For many lightworkers, sensitives, and healers, being seen is not the easiest thing in the world. In past lives, we were persecuted, and even murdered for being seen. So, I don't know about y'all but for a long while, I wasn't exactly feeling safe around putting my witchiness out there. In fact, when I first started having my gifts activate, I was very aware of who I could share the information with. I would hide crystals and oracle cards when certain people came over to my house. I would keep all the magical experiences I was having close to the cuff. And, yea a large part of what kept me doing those things and hiding, was the fear I felt. I didn't understand it at the time, I just knew it was safer to keep it on the DL. And I'm here to tell you that it's okay to be discerning about who you are sharing certain things with. I was also able to find people who were into the same whoo whoo stuff as me and began cultivating relationships that allowed me to fully be me. If you are struggling with this right now, I want you to know it's okay to limit who you share certain things with. As you feel more confident in who you are and what you are opening to, it becomes much easier to just be you. Now I find myself saying all kinds of out there things to people and I just really don't care if they think I'm off my rocker. In fact, it became good practice for me to drop on a first date that I talk to my angels throughout the day or that I was psychic and just knew shit. Remember- do it at a level that feels safe to you. Don't feel like in an effort to "be seen" that you need to go do an hour chat in front of 50 strangers about talking to loved ones who have crossed over. On the flip side of that, I would also say to gently push yourself where you are able to. When my angels started guiding me to teach online or to speak to different groups, it was a little out of my comfort zone. But I also had so much fun doing it. Those things helped me to strengthen my confidence and to learn and expand my own knowing. Loves y'all :) Robin, Your Spiritual CFO

  • Giving your inner child what they need

    As human beings, we are multifaceted creatures. For a long time, I had no idea that I had an inner child that lived inside of me. But once I met her, and started working and connecting with her, my entire life changed. (In a positive way!) During our formidable years in childhood, no matter how great or challenging our upbringing was, there are going to be holes in what we desired or needed versus what we received from our caretakers. This is no judgment to anyone but is actually a natural part of being raised by flawed human beings. Since none of us are perfect, and since it would be impossible for two people to give a child exactly what they need, 100% of the time, most of us are likely left with parts of us that need further development and nurturing in our adult years. Take for example, in my own upbringing - I am a person who is very perceptive of others' emotions and thoughts, to the point of not knowing there was a difference between mine and theirs. For years I focused on what others might need and ignored my own emotions and needs. I was a little sponge who absorbed but I was never taught emotional intelligence. As I learned this in my adulthood, it helped me to be in tune with my own emotions, recognize others and have a boundary, and also how to not feel responsible for trying to fix anyone else. Once I started connecting with my inner child, she gave me all the answers. She showed me long forgotten wounds that just wanted to be felt, seen and acknowledged. With her, I saw needs I didn't even know I had. I saw how she needs safety and acknowledgement and presence and quiet. And the beautiful thing, is that the more I gave her those things, I could actually expand as an adult and a human being in ways I never realized were possible. After I saw how powerful this work was, I started incorporating inner child work in my coaching and workshops. I resolved to hold safe spaces for clients to meet, great and love their inner child in deeply profound ways. To date, some of the most noticeable transformations I have seen in clients, stem from inner child work which can be quite simple. But as my brother has shared with me, simple does not always equate to easy. As beautiful as it is, it is not easy to look at these parts of ourselves. It is not easy to ignore the things that can distract us from ourselves. We have been taught to believe that something outside of ourselves is going to bring us the peace and love we all desire. The funny this, is that is it already inside of us. Once we peal back the layers of pain and disappointment, the shadows of what we needed but didn't receive, are released to show us gifts that we never before recognized. A really easy way to begin to work with your inner child, is just to close your eyes, be silent and listen. It may seem hokey and totally hippy dippy but I promise you, it is one of the most profound things you will do for your healing journey. In this video, I sit with my inner child first and allow whatever she wants to feel to come up in a loving, non-judgmental space. Next, I did some intuitive EFT tapping to talk through what she wanted to share and express. After just a few moments, I was able to go back to my day, feeling lighter and brighter. It's important to remember, that this is a journey. There will be good days, challenging days, and all varieties in between. But the more you keep at it and connect with your inner child, you will begin to see just how amazing and magnificent you are. And here's a little hint for you - one common thread that all of our inner children want is pretty simple - a safe space to be seen, acknowledged and accepted exactly as they are. So, if you're feeling sad, be sad. If you're feeling like a failure, tell your inner child how proud you are of them. Don't hold back that love and acceptance, the Universe has it in buckets to give. Just allow yourself to receive it! Love ya! Your Spiritual CFO Robin :)

  • What are the Big 3 in Astrology?

    When beginning to learn more about Astrology and your own Natal Chart, it is a good idea to start with "The Big Three". So, let's talk a little about what these are and how you can use this information to learn more about your personality. The Big 3 are as follows: your Rising sign (also called your Ascendent), your Sun sign, and your Moon sign. Time - Remember, that I recommend having your exact birth time from an official document to calculate your chart. In Astrology, hours and minutes do matter. And I can't tell you the number of times I've had clients get a time from their mom, to only come back later with a different time once they have their birth certificate. And y'all, cut your mom some slack. I've never had a child, but I would imagine that while you are trying to push an 8 lb. human out of your hot pocket, you are PROBABLY not looking at a damn clock. Just sayin! If you can't get the exact time - There are people who can rectify your chart if you don't have the exact time, but I understand it is an in-depth process that can never really be 100% be confirmed. Given that, we can still do a reading without your exact time, it just won't be complete and there are some things we won't know 100%. Even though I do use my intuition and communication with your guides to fill in the gaps, if possible, I prefer to work with an official time when it is available. Okay! Let's get into it.... 1) Your Rising or Ascendent sign relates to the zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. And it is super important to know for various reasons. The first is that your rising sign actually creates the layout of your natal chart. Because of this, when you are reading horoscopes, this is the sign you will want to go by, NOT YOUR SUN SIGN. I know, mind blown!!!!!! Try it for a bit and see if it resonates. It certainly did for me. Some astrologers recommend reading your horoscope for all 3 (Rising, Sun and Moon). Typically, I read for my Rising and then if my intuition guides me to do so, I will read my Sun and/or Moon as well. The other reason your Rising is so key, is that many times, this sign and its traits are actually how you present to others and also what your family might have expected from you in childhood. Even if we desire it to be otherwise, how people perceive us can shape who we are, especially in childhood. As we learn, grow and evolve, we can create a healthier balance between what others expect of us (Rising) and what we require in life (Sun). For example, a client whose Sun sign is the sometimes-serious Capricorn with a fun-loving, playful Gemini Rising, may have been seen as flaky or flighty when in fact they also have an industrious side to their personality. Our rising sign can also be what we go to in times of stress, because it is familiar to us. In our example, this client might revert back to being spacy and all over the place when they are stressed or triggered. Deep dive - This sign changes every two hours in a 24-hour period. So, people born on the same day, could have one of 12 different rising or ascendent signs based on the exact time they were born. Example - someone born on 12/12/1985 at 2:34 pm might have a rising sign of Virgo, but someone else born on 12/12/1985 at 4:34 pm could have a rising sign of Libra. This does impact your personality in a variety of ways. Pretty cool, huh?! 2) Your Sun Sign - Most people know what their Sun Sign is. When someone asks the very neutral question, "what's your Sign", this is the one they are asking for (even if they don't know that). In the course of a year, the Sun moves through each sign for about 30 days. We start with Aries in the Spring and end with Pisces in the Winter. Our Sun Sign can give us important information regarding what lights us up in a very general sense on a day-to-day basis. Also described as what our soul requires to feel fulfilled. For instance, a Gemini Sun may need some playful joy each day to feel satisfied with life. A Pisces Sun may need to mediate or be in the higher spiritual realms each day to feel fulfilled. Since the physical Sun is a source of energy and vitality, the Sun sign can give you hints as to what you can give yourself to feel a bit happier and more energized each day. Deep dive - Interestingly enough, it's possible that your Sun sign could be different than what you thought if you were born the day the Sun is changing signs. Typically, people call this being born on the cusp. But really, since Astrology is so exact, you are either a sign or not. So, someone born on 10/23/2023 at 12:20 pm would be a Libra Sun. However, if they were born just a minute later at 12:21 pm, they would actually be a Scorpio Sun. Talk about a possible identity crisis. (Don't freak out, it's not that bad, I'm just being funny). 3) Your Moon Sign - This is one is a game changer for so many of my clients. I know it was for me personally. Your Moon is deeply connected to your emotions and your intuition. Understanding the traits of your Moon sign, can help you to understand why you react to life the way you do. It can also provide you valuable feedback about what you need to feel fulfilled on a deeper emotional level. And! It can show you how you can connect and expand your intuition on a practical level. As an example, a strong and confident Aries Sun with a Pisces Moon may feel shy and withdrawn (especially at different times in the month) and not understand why. Aries is typically a fiery sign that can stand in their power, regardless of what others think of them. But with the Pisces Moon, they will very deeply feel on an intuitive level what others are thinking of them, and they may want to adjust their behavior to avoid feeling and sensing this. What if you have the above combinations but you don't resonate with the example? Inevitably, once you start to research these things our your own, you are going to find interpretations that just don't feel true to who you are as a person. That's okay! There are multiple factors that we have not go into today, that determine how the energy of the planets and signs are expressed. What I gave you here is just a basic overview. These are just a few examples from past clients. This is why working with a professional Astrologer is going to give you a good basis for your own knowledge. I love empowered clients who come to me with questions about their charts and who take time to understand the different components. Our charts are truly a source of divine information about who we are, what we can accomplish, what might be holding us back, and so, so much more. Before I started learning about Astrology, I used to joke that it was a big cosmic f**k you that we hadn't been sent to this incarnation with some kind of guidebook. When I was drawn to learn Astrology, I realized my Natal chart was the guidebook I had be hoping for. Some also refer to it as our Soul's Blueprint and I believe it is a really rad gift that we have been given. I mean, life can be challenging at times, but there is just so much great information and insights in this beautiful, magical little wheel of goodness. Understand that learning Astrology takes time. That is why there are Astrologers that have been doing it for 20 or 30 years. There is soooooo much to learn. Be patient with yourself and stick with it if you feel drawn. Although it intimidated me at first, now 7 years later, I appreciate that I am constantly learning. Keep in touch and let me know if there are other components you would like to learn about in your chart! Loves ya, Robin your Spiritual CFO Natal Chart Example

  • Spiritual Growth - Ain't it a b**ch

    On your spiritual journey, some days are going to be tougher than others. You might find yourself confused, without a clear sense of direction or clarity on where it is that you want to go. In the middle of healing phases, it can feel as if everything is being blown apart inside and we're not quite sure where it all fits back together. Although these times can be super annoying and challenging, they are necessary for our growth and expansion. Part of healing involves breaking apart to release old patterns, beliefs and karmic cycles that are living in our body, mind and soul. I'd be lying if I said it was comfortable. I mean, even describing it like fingernails on a chalkboard. New ways of thinking and understanding take time to fully integrate into our energy. The process kinda goes like this, 1) We either consciously or unconsciously decide to change or have the realization we don't like something in our lives. Sometimes this is happening at a higher soul level and is directed by the Universe, seemingly out of our control. 2) We start to see the patterns, habits, and karmic energy that is driving these old ways of being. 3) We are triggered so old energies can be felt, processed, released. Through this, we can gain more clarity on what needs to change (internally and externally). 4) We forgive ourselves and others for past mistakes. 5) We gain clarity on what we would like our new reality to be. 6) Over a period of time, we integrate these new energies into our lives. 7) Perhaps we re-evaluate and adjust as needed. I like to look at these steps as interchangeable and fluid. You might be triggered one day and then decide to make a change. Or you could be integrating something into your life, and realize that a healthier balance needs to be had moving forward. Either way, trust that all is well. I believe the Universe loves us and wants the best for us. Choosing to believe that things are happening for us, and not to us, can be a huge shift in taking your power back and helps us to stop feeling like a victim. If we decided at a soul level to have these lessons and challenges, it would stand to reason that we choose things that could be changed in our lives. This gives us the ability to believe that these shifts are not only possible, but also destined in our soul's evolution. I want to just take a moment and recognize you and how far you have come. Look at your life two years or two months ago. I promise, you are not the same person and you have done so much! You are evolving, you are doing great, and I am oh, so proud of you! Much love, Robin Wilt Your Spiritual CFO

  • When one of us heals, we all heal

    Something that I had been hearing along my spiritual journey, is this notion that we are all connected energetically. When I was struggling during ANOTHER dark night of the soul, my guides and angels would tell me how much I was helping people just by doing my own work. Like, all of this spiritual work and healing that I'm doing or that you're doing is so much bigger than we realize. For instance, when I heal my issues around jealousy, boundaries, or whatever - I am actually creating a ripple effect of healing that moves through the collective consciousness. So, as with most things, it is one thing to logically understand this, versus when we gain a deeper energetic knowing of this. Even though I was hesitant to do a group Ayahuasca ceremony, the universe gently guided me to one in February of this year (2023). During the ceremony, I learned so many amazing things. But one thing that really became a deep knowing for me is this concept of "when one of us heals, we all heal". We were in ceremony and there was a very masculine dude there. At one point, he was purging big time. I could feel with my spidey senses how challenging this process was for him. I could see the weight of what he was moving through. I could see how him healing his toxic masculinity was affecting me on so many levels. Let me share with you a little about my own relationship to toxic masculinity. Although my dad was a great dude, he was probably one of the poster children for toxic masculinity. He was raised in the 50's and 60's by an alcoholic father and was later in the Marines. It was a lot of machoism. My dad had a lot of great and gentle qualities but through circumstance, conditioning, and genetic wiring, he became a mostly closed off man who didn't know how to deal with his emotions and learned to lean on alcohol. And I think he struggled with really honoring feminine energy. My dad was great in so many ways, and did his best to protect us, but even how he communicated to us about men was really confusing. I remember my dad, the main masculine figure in my life, telling us that you couldn't trust men. So, for a long time, I didn't. I noticed all the things that were wrong with men. I noticed all the unhealthy things about men and subsequently, attracted lots of men that I couldn't trust. Sitting there in the ceremony and seeing this large strong man brought to his knees by this powerful feminine energy, I was humbled. Mother Aya told me, just take it in. Allow his healing to sink into your energy and your vibration. She told me, really see how this is happening on an energetic space, and open yourself up to it. I was able to listen and hear and I was able to benefit from his healing. And in hindsight, it was probably healing for him on a variety of levels as well. I imagine it was super powerful for him to be seen by the feminine in his vulnerability and weakness. Seeing him struggle with the weight of what he had done in his past but facing it anyway was so very healing for my own wound. As you continue to move forward on your journey, I invite you to remember that even though at times, it may feel as if you are alone on this journey, you are guided, loved, supported, and you are making such a difference both for yourself and the world. Yes, even the days where you can't get out of bed because you're so exhausted from all the shadow work, the days you're crying your eyes out because you've seen your patterns and had to face the darkness. Remember - You are a fucking warrior of light. You are everything. You are the stars, and the solution and the answer. You are not alone, even when the illusion tries to convince you otherwise. Much love, Robin your Spiritual CFO

  • Success

    My entire life I have wanted to succeed, to grow, to learn, to be constantly expanding. When I left my corporate job two years ago, I didn't realize I was going to be killing an old version of me. That old version was almost obsessed with success as a way to make myself feel valuable and worthy. For various reasons, I felt like success was the way for me to gain that respect and validation I craved at a very deep level. Although astrology is my main boo, I have dabbled a bit in understanding Human Design after a friend prompted me to do so. In Astrology, I have my Saturn in Virgo, which is a fucking task master. It says, "you're not doing enough, it's not good enough, you need to keep going, going, going". Interestingly enough, in Human Design, my energy type is that of Projector. From my understanding and studies, Projector energy is a bit more in flow and allowing than forcing. The healthy shadow or theme of Projectors is "success" and the unhealthy shadow or not-self theme is "bitterness". In fact, I have read that success is something that is an inherent trait in us Projectors. So, here I find myself to not be succeeding (at least in the way my ego thinks it should be), and I have all these things telling me just how successful and prosperous I am. Honestly, it's enough to make me want to throw an elephant across the Sahara. (Don't worry, I wouldn't abuse a sweet little elephant). But I have been experiencing very deep frustration and annoyance that the universe can't just bend to my will and allow me to be the over achiever once again. And although, I know this is part of my journey and my healing, the surrender piece is still something I'm working on. On my walk this morning, I decided to switch my mindset and to look at all the ways I have succeeded. *I have a beautiful home *I have a rad dog that I love *I have a community of awesome people to lean on *I got up this morning and went for an hour walk *I have kept my business open for 4 years and have continued to increase my revenue each year *My taxes are done for 2022 :) *My dishes are done *I get to dance each week! *I'm typing this blog post *You get the point........Success can be found in many things It might sound silly or frivolous to focus on my dishes being done, but it's all about mindset and perspective. I would say for some of us, even more so, like for those of us that success is a vital part of our blueprint. Success isn't what society says it needs to be or what's in your bank account, or how many Lambos you have. Success can be that you got your kids up this morning and gave them a healthy fun breakfast. Or if you are helping your elderly parent, maybe you helped them to feel seen or heard today. Changing our mindset to focus on everything that IS working, gives us the energy and the drive to keep moving forward. Cause y'all, if I focus on everything that I think is not working or all the ways I don't have success, it just makes me want to give up. Loves y'all and thanks for being here. Appreciate you! Robin, Your Spiritual CFO

  • Co-creation - Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!

    About 10 years ago, I worked with a girl who was very strong in her faith with God. To be honest, I was really intrigued by it, and wanted it for myself but honestly, I didn't even know if such a thing was possible for me. I had always believed in God but just in a general kinda way. We didn't really hang out or chat at this point. And, I didn't really get what this faith would look like on the practical day to day level. So, I probably contemplated out loud that I wanted this for myself. At the time, I didn't know shit about manifesting or creating my reality, so I was pretty clueless that I was asking the Universe to provide this magical trust and faith in a higher power. And I may not have asked had I know what it might take to get me there. A few years after this encounter, I was thrust upon my conscious spiritual journey and started to cultivate this relationship with God. So, let me just explain to those of you who don't know this about me, I tend to use some terms in a fairly interchangeable way when I'm talking about a higher power. For me, God, Universe, and Spirit kinda mean the same thing to me. It's this energy that is bigger than all of us, that is directing the show of life. I believe this energy (whatever you choose to call it), loves us and wants the best for us. It is listening, wants to talk, wants to help us to become more loving and better versions of ourselves. It wants us to love and accept ourselves. It wants us to enjoy this thing called life. And maybe, most importantly, it wants to co-create life with us, not dictate to us what we must do. Over the last decade, I learned to trust this force more and more. It started out small with maybe going to a new mediation group or taking a certain day off. But I'm not gonna lie, as a recovering perfectionist, this was really hard for me. I was so nervous about making the "wrong" decision. I was afraid the sky was going to crash over my head and my life would be ruined if I decided the wrong thing. Honestly, I'm not even sure what I really thought would happen, I just knew I had a lot of fear and anxiety around this perceived right or wrong thing. A few big things I was led to do were selling my townhouse and quitting my cushy corporate job. The smaller things didn't really require a ton of explanation but some of the larger ones did just because I didn't get it myself. I mean, trying to explain to people that I was selling a townhouse because I had a conversation with God, or my angels was a bit challenging. In a way I thought I might be losing my shit, I can only imagine what others thought when I shared these tidbits. For me, my old relationship dynamic with the Big Guy in the sky, had me thinking that I had to make the "right" decision in all things. I thought that God was testing me to make sure I was learning and integrating all the things. I would get these signs that something needed to shift in my life, and I would be in analysis paralysis a lot of the time, trying to figure out what I needed to do. I just NEEDED to figure out that all elusive right answer. The interesting thing for me is when I started to work with my clients, I noticed that a lot of us struggle with this. I started to see how this phenomenon was deeply engrained in our collective consciousness. I also started to see how sometimes it's easier to think that we don't have a choice in life and our decisons. I think a lot of it can be traced back to religion and how we treated our connection with Source during the Piscean Age. Sometimes, when we think of God, we can have this image of this power that doesn't really care about our feelings or desires. We might learn through religion that we are dirty, sinners, or powerless to the bigger picture of life. That we are being thrown about by this all-powerful force that wants us to suck it up and to be good now, so we can be rewarded after we die. But as I connected more and more with co-creation, and God, and my life and my choices, I began to see that there is so much freedom and free will for a reason. It's kinda like those old books we read as kids. You know, the ones where you got to the end of the chapter and as the reader, you got to choose where you were going. (Based on what I've shared with you, you may not be surprised to know that this also created anxiety in me as a child, LOL.) What it boils down to, is that these choices, are just experiences that we get to have. Yes, some may take us further or closer to our joy, our abundance or our power. But they can also just be things that we learn from. They can be a happy afternoon we found ourselves enjoying doing nothing but putzing around. They can be a lover we have for a few months, or a car we bought until we found out it was a POS. So, instead of judging these decisions or condemning ourselves, we can just look at the opportunity we had to expand our understanding. The bigger picture is that our soul is enriched because we diverted from our normal path to try something new. So, you might be asking how to decide in the moment. Some things that have helped me are.... 1) FEEL what each of your options are like in your body. Notice the sensations, the facial expressions, etc. Sometimes when it's a real "no" for me, I can actually feel myself frowning. When it's a strong "yes", I smile like I just won the lotto. 2) If you can't decide, just pick one and go with it. You can always course correct if needed. Like, just because you told Auntie Sue that she could stay with you doesn't mean that you can't tell her ass to go if you change your mind or it's just not working. 3) Be okay with disappointing others. Yea, sometimes we say yes or no just because we're trying to people please. The more you can practice having boundaries and knowing what your needs are this will get easier with time. 4) Let all your choices simmer a bit before jumping into anything. You can even do something on a trial basis. Like, just be honest and say, "I'm not 100% sure, I need some time to see how this feels IRL". If you are really struggling with this pattern, is it possible there are some subconscious patterns or beliefs that are running the show that we could look at in a 1x1 session. Don't be afraid to get support from me or another healer to work on rewiring this stuff. You should be able to feel confident and secure in making choices, even if you determine them to be wrong at a later date. Remember - it's just feedback. We learn, we grow, we evolve. Nothing is a wasted experience. Loves y'all. Robin, your Spiritual CFO

  • Religion versus Spirituality

    During my adult years, I have generally shied away from churches and religious organizations. During my childhood, I went to church fairly often. Ironically, much of my church attendance in my youth was only because that was one of the few places my dad would let us go freely. My dad wasn't a religious man, although he did seem to have his own relationship with the Big Guy. It's just that he was super strict and with 5 daughters and one son, I guess he thought it was probably pretty safe for us to be at church. When my spiritual awakening started around 2010, it was through the more eastern methods of yoga, energy work and mediation. As I explored and came closer to God, Spirit, the Universe (I tend to use these terms fairly interchangeably), I found myself being intuitively guided to various religious and spiritual institutions. Perhaps one day, a Buddhist meditation group, maybe a Catholic mass that a friend invited me to, or a Sunday service at my sister's church. But all in all, I found myself not agreeing with 100% of what was being offered during the sermons or talks. I really disliked so much of what they were telling people. It very starkly contrasted with what I knew as truth from my personal experiences. As I connected more and more with Source individually, I discovered that we are perfect beyond compare. I found that the sins we condemn ourselves for are actually soul lessons we chose to evolve and learn on this physical playground. Which is sometimes vastly different from what we are told in religious settings. And I also discovered that I don't believe as human beings that we can be love and light all the time. I think our humanness invites us to be raging assholes sometimes. But I discovered that I cringe at the proclamation that we are all sinners or that Jesus was a perfect person. I also remembered that I hate when people act one way in church and another way out in day-to-day life. There were just so many things I just couldn't reconcile, so I kept most of my community based spiritual activities to yoga, meditation or the like. Although I still noticed these things in spiritually based practices, somehow it bothered me less. However, lately I have been craving more community with others who are searching, seeking and striving. I had some friends tell me about a local church they went to and I felt some interest and figured it couldn't hurt to check it out. I have gone a few times and I really enjoy the music and the energy. But I again found myself not really agreeing with everything the pastor was saying. But if I'm honest, I can say that of my spiritual mentor as well. Even though I greatly value his opinion and insights, sometimes they don't resonate with my own truth. Perhaps this is why in my own work as a mentor, guide, healer and intuitive, I am constantly trying to get my clients to come back to their own truth. And I realize more and more how fine of a line it is - 1) to grow and learn and to be open to new viewpoints, 2) while also maintaining your own truth. Perhaps it would be helpful for you to know that we are the edge of a huge shift in our humanity's evolution. From an astrological standpoint, we are moving from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius. The age of Pisces was more religion driven, we believed that we could only gain our salvation through the church and its elders. As we move into the Age of Aquarius, we are learning more and more to go internally to find our connection with source and our higher power. And to be honest, I should probably just call it a higher power because I don't think it really matters what we call this energy. The importance is that we learn to connect with it - consistently and mindfully. Because this energy is not only our higher power, but it is also what we are made of. And y'all, I'm sure there is so much more to this 27,000 year shift but I'm not going into all that here. I am just inviting your to be explorative in your shifting and growing. Yes, try all the things and see what resonates. But also give yourself room to grow and evolve. I certainly do not believe everything I believed 5 years ago or even 2 years ago. It's important to constantly be evolving and growing. We are not meant to be the same people at 80, that we were at 30. Time, experience and life changes us at the most basic levels if we allow it to. Take a moment today and see what viewpoints are outdated for you. Perhaps you could surround yourself with some new people who provide a different viewpoint than you are used to. If you don't like, it you can always stick to your guns, but you may surprise yourself! Love ya! Robin

  • Happy Birthday to me!

    For various reasons, I think that being a bit contemplative around one's birthday is a good tradition to have. I know some of us spend New Years Eve doing the annual reflection, but your birthday is your own private new year. With each birthday, you have made one more rotation around this beautiful planet of ours. It's a time to reflect on where you are in life, how far you have come, and where you would like to continue moving forward. With my 44th birthday coming up in just a few days, I find myself particularly at a crossroads. To be honest, I never thought I would be in the current state I now find myself in - single for the last seven years, no kids, and still living in the city I was born and raised in. For the last seven years, I have been going through an intense transformation, most of it largely unbeknownst to me. I mean, I knew things were changing but I didn't have the bigger perspective yet. So, I don't have all day to tell you the shit I went through from about 2011 to 2021 but it was a real doozy. In a decade, I went through more changes and challenges than I would care to recount. But through it all, I continued to allow more of the "real me" to unfold. For most of my life, I had been trying to fit into some mold of what I thought the world wanted me to be. What I thought would make my parents proud, what I thought old partners, friends, or co-workers would want of me. I have been afraid to really let me out. This week I had two of my coaches ask me really important questions. On Monday, my business coach asked me where my inner critic came from. The annoying part is that the critic has been there so long, I have started to think it was actually me. With this inquiry, it started to open up the possibility that this voice and I were not one and the same. On Wednesday, my dance instructor asked me why I'm playing small. I know he's right because I keep hearing it and getting signs from the Universe that I'm meant to be doing more. To be seen, to be out more. The challenge is that when you have spent so many years in a pattern, it's hard to know what to do to get out of it. And even though I know both of these things are something I'm working on but it's a bit challenging when others are able to see my most challenging character flaws out in broad daylight with nowhere to hide. But as I've contemplated both of these things, I have seen just how closely connected they are. See, my whole life, I have had this really mean internal voice. Yes, it has helped me to achieve a lot in my life, it has helped me to keep moving and pushing when I wanted to quit. But this voice has probably robbed me of so much, maybe more than I will ever know. Everything I do or don't do; this voice tells me how much I'm failing. it tells me to give up, to not even bother, that no one will care, or worse, that no one will notice. Over the years, I have gotten more and more familiar with it and have been able to move past it when possible. But the annoying part is that even though I do a lot of things out of my comfort zone, this voice tells me it's still not enough. I didn't do it "perfectly". It tells me I was awkward and weird. So, because of the constant heckling from this voice, it has been hard for me to really be seen. For many years of my life, it would give me intense anxiety if someone was watching me do anything. I noticed it in my early 20's because before that, I was able to hide a lot. In my childhood home, I was the 5th of 6 kids. My parents were loving and supportive as much as they could be, but both of them were dealing with their own demons. For so many years, I didn't want to speak and be seen, I didn't want to stand out in any way. I hid and I learned to do it pretty damn well. Throughout life, this became an impossible thing to continue. And honestly, at some point, I wanted to be seen. I enjoyed people acknowledging some skill or trait I had (other than my academic prowess). What really has been the thing to throw me out of my comfort zone is ballroom dancing. I mean, the entire damn sport is based on looks and sexual energy and people LOOKING at you. Yea, the universe def knew what it was doing when it aligned me with this particular hobby. And as I look back at pictures of myself through my adult years, I can really start to see myself. I see the strength and the cute awkwardness, I see the sometimes quiet girl who just wanted to be seen for who she really is. I see the sadness in her eyes, because I wasn't able to love her the way she deserved. I see the challenges and the hurts and the abandonments she survived. I see that she always picked herself back up, time and time again. I see where she was kind to others, where she went out of her way to make someone feel seen, special or heard because she knew how deeply it hurt to be ignored. I see this beautiful, amazing soul that I have had the intense pleasure of knowing for 43 years and 361 days. And that I get to continue to be with for many more years. So, I would invite you, even its not your birthday, so spend a few moments objectively looking at your life. Look at all the things you have survived! This life is not easy. Things are not meant to be "perfect". Because I'm learning more and more that there is no perfect. Perfect is a concept created to keep us safe. And it might have the appearance of keeping you safe but what it actually does it keep you locked into this little box of life. It keeps you constantly doubting yourself, analyzing every little move, and staying more in the "what if", instead of the joy and possibilities. I just want to remind you that every experience you've had, has led you to this point in your life. Without each and every one of them, you wouldn't be YOU! And I think you're pretty damn awesome. Much love, and Happy 44th birthday to me! I know it's gonna be a good one, Robin

  • Learning to love my body as a spiritual technology & not as a meat suit

    My body has always been an odd thing for me. To be honest, for the first 30 plus years of my life I thought it was this thing that I constantly had to judge and pick apart. I was rarely ever in it, but when I was it was a cacophony of criticism. I was constantly telling myself how I wasn’t pretty enough, my thighs were too big, I had too many stretch marks. I believed I would never be beautiful in my own eyes because I wasn’t some ideal of perfection that I had been conditioned to compare myself to. I had no idea that after a hip replacement in 2008, Bikram yoga would kick off the first phase of my spiritual journey in 2009. For those of you who don’t know, Bikram yoga is a specific series of postures done in a room heated to 105 degrees with giant mirrors that really force you to be present with yourself. In this space, I was no longer allowed to run from myself. I found myself for the better part of 7 years, going at least 4-5 times a week. At the time, I thought I was just a way to safely exercise after my surgery. I had no idea it would be such a huge part of my transformational process. I thought it was really great exercise and that was about it. Of course, the heat, smell, people, postures, etc. were hard but the thing that was like kryptonite to me was the mirrors. I had never looked at my reflection for that long. When I started to do my healing journey, I began to have some small comprehension about the power of mirror work and why doing Bikram was so powerful for me. Although I still had some body image issues during and after these years, it was a big step forward towards acknowledging my earthly vehicle. As I progressed on my spiritual journey, so much of it was about coming back to my body. And I had no fucking idea for a long time what this even meant. I just intuitively knew that I was meant to be doing it. So, I would ask for it, I would have healers help me with it, I would dance, I would do yoga and lots of other things that helped me. In time, I began to have a small understanding of what it might mean to come back to my body. The way I explain it to clients, is that through trauma we leave our body. So, what leaves our body? Our soul, our essence. To reintroduce the soul back to the body you need to heal past traumas and create safety in your body. The safety is the key. If we left the body because of the trauma and pain, the only thing that will get our essence to come home is a calm and grounded nervous system that knows it can handle a new paradigm or way of being. Being in your body means that you get to truly experience this world and this human experience. The beauty, the pain, the joy, the struggle. We signed up for all of it when we came to this planet. The trouble is that when I first started my journey, I loved being out of my body. It seemed that even in yoga, or meditation, I was constantly in other realms. It was easy for me to go there. and it was really beneficial but I wasn’t grounding my energy into my body and connecting with mother earth. This left me feeling really anxious, scattered and fearful because I had so much energy coming in and it was short circuiting my system. That much energy is just overload on our human bodies if we are not grounding with mother earth. For a long time, I did what so many of us do – I blamed this ungroundedness on a character flaw I must have or something I was doing “wrong”. I had just never been taught the connection between our bodies and the earth. If you start to look at the earth as our physical home for our reincarnated souls, you can start to see our physical body and vessel as something very similar. Since we are all things, we are also earth, stars, animals, spirits, birds, trees and such. The reason we have so many issues as a collective is because many of us have lost our connection with the earth. I mean, think about it, 500 years ago, we were living much closer to the earth. We were riding horses, hunting for food, foraging for twigs and berries and shit. (BTW – I suck as history, so my 500 years could be off 😊). But anyway, you get the point. We have def come a long way in our evolution that has taken us away from mother earth. The next phase of my spiritual evolution started in 2017 and lasted for about 6 years or so. This part of my phase was marked by lots of trauma being brought up through various struggles. But during this period, I discovered my first spiritual mentor. Telling you how I met him is a story for another time but I’ll just share with you what those 6 years covered by way of my spiritual growth. I found Arthur L. through a friend of mine and had no idea I was seeking shit; I was honestly just tired of struggling emotionally even though I was doing all of the things. I was in therapy, I was doing yoga, and I was trying to get through some pretty heavy grief. But it just wasn’t getting deep enough. During these years, I learned to meditate, to connect energetically with my mind, body and spirit and to also begin learning healing modalities that I still heavily draw on today. This period was magical and amazing. I enjoyed connecting with the stars, my soul, and being “out there” in the ethers during meditation. Bu t I was also struggling a bit and didn’t fully understand why. I would feel super lost and ungrounded when I was on this earthly plane trying to do the human things. I was so anxious and unsure so much of the time. It was hard to connect with many people and tbh, I would have rather been meditating and checking out more than anything else. I also started to notice that I had this desire to stay in those other realms because of the connection with our creator and my connection with people. In those realms, you just feel the love, the clarity of the human experience and the beauty of the soul. You don’t feel the pain of humanness as much. You understand why you’re here and everything is much simpler. But when I came back to earth, I was again facing my old familiar challenges – feeling unsure, lost, annoyed with people and the list goes on. I didn’t understand energetic boundaries and I was feeling energetically fragile and on edge. Being in my body and living this human experience was getting easier in some ways, but not so much in others. In 2021, I was called to psychedelic mushrooms and had my first introduction to plant medicine. When it was first coming up for me, I fought it. I was nervous about using an illegal substance and my first mentor was not a big plant medicine guy, so I probably had some judgment towards it. I also had NO idea where I would even get mushrooms from, so I was all up in my head about it for a while. But after I acknowledged the fear, I finally surrendered and told the universe, “If you want me to do this, you’re going to have to make it very obvious”. And boy, did it ever. I found myself serendipitously at an acquaintance’s house and what did he offer me? You guessed it, good ole magical mushrooms. During college I had plenty of experience with schrooms but I had never used a substance of that nature intentionally for healing. So, the universe hooked me up and started a two-year journey of diving into the beauty of psychedelics. For a little over a year, I micro dosed and set my intention as helping to heal my anxiety. I had read things that spoke of the rewiring of the brain that occurs with these little guys. I def could feel it. I could feel my connection with this earth and with mother nature much more completely. I even ended up doing three large healing journeys that were profoundly transformative. Little by little I was coming back into myself. I was healing old wounds that had been holding me back, and I was feeling more daily joy and pleasure than I ever had before. As the universe does, it started preparing my next phase (of course unbeknownst to me). The next phase that I currently happen to be in is heavily centered around Ayahuasca. I was introduced to this beautiful plant medicine last year and my mind has continued to be blown. Talk about healing at a whole new level. This little beauty takes you out to the ethers but also has this really amazing ability to heal the deepest layers of trauma and get you back in your heart and body in a way I never knew was possible. When the universe connected me with Shamana Amy, during one of our first conversations we had, she called our body a spiritual technology, It blew my mind y’all. Here I’ve been for all of these years thinking of my body as this fucking nuisance I’ve been dragging around, judging and nitpicking. For years, I’ve heard so many spiritual people call it a “meat suit”. It just sounded so disempowering but I had no idea it was something so damn advanced. Although I may not have completely understood what she meant by this term, I am slowly beginning to experience it in my body. Our bodies WANT to heal. We have all the things inside of us we need but we have been so damn conditioned to think that everything is outside of us, that we miss this beautiful vessel we have been given. I mean, think about it! Our bodies give us the ability to hug our loved ones. We can walk, run, play, dance, and eat yummy foods. We can feel the warmth of the summer air on our skin, feel the silkiness of water, make love, DANCE! (yes, I know I already said it, but it deserves to be listed twice). We get to experience crying and laughing and pooping and snuggling babies and dogs…..I mean, we could be here all day for me to list out all the things. And like I said, I am by no means an expert on this concept of our bodies being a technology, but y’all I can feel the truth of it in my body, especially now that I’ve sat with Mother Aya 4 times. Anyway, if you are one of those people that still refers to your magical vessel as a meat suit, I invite you to question this outlook a bit. I mean, you are selling yourself short! Your body is the home that you are living in. it will be with you until the day you die. It is the only constant thing you have on this human journey. People, money, cars, houses, jobs, they will all come and go – but your body remains this constant, steadfast gift that we have been blessed with. Don’t get to the end of your life and look back and wish you had appreciated the moments you could walk, run, play, jump and DANCE! Don’t miss out on hugs, and kisses and hot passionate sex. Take a moment and give your body some gratitude. Appreciate the way it holds you. Appreciate how you feel after a good workout or a warm hug. Start to notice all it does for you, instead of fixating on what’s wrong or not working. Our lives pass by in a blink, make sure you make the most of it. Because, who knows, you could come back in your next life as Big Foot and have no body believe in you, how sad. LOL> Much love! Robin the Spiritual CFO

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