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  • The Healer's Wound

    A few years ago, I decided to take my gifts and spiritual coaching from a hobby and turn it into my FT career. To be honest, I was terrified to leave the comfort of my cushy corporate job for various reasons. Although I had over 20 years experience in the field of finance and business, I had never run a business by myself. But I was also sure that if the Universe was calling me to be a healer as a career, I would be fully supported as I made the leap. I had faith that transitioning to being a lightworker supporting and guiding others, might be challenging, but also that it would bring more abundance than I ever thought possible because I was doing such amazing work! Oh, wasn't I cute :) As I took the leap, it's almost like every hidden wound and anxiety I had around money, success, self-worth, and self-doubt was harshly thrust into the light for healing. I went through a few large energetic upgrades greatly supported by Mother Ayahuasca and some smaller ones guided by various coaches and programs. After the initial period of healing, in some ways I settled into a more peaceful approach to what I was doing and offering as a guide. I trusted myself more and more, and was really leaning into my gifts as a healer, psychic and guide. But one thing that continued to be triggered for me was something I would come to understand as the healer's wound. I was just struggling so much with the money side of running a spiritually based business. Even though I knew just how much I was helping people, I was also struggling a lot with receiving money, setting prices and in general valuing my services as a source of abundance. As I healed these issues, and held space for my clients to also do so, I began to learn more about why we can struggle so much with being healers and accepting money for our gifts. The Healer's Wound is a deeply embedded energy filled with various feelings, beliefs and attitudes toward money that are born from past life wounds, the collective energy around what is deemed as a successful and abundant career, and our own personal money story. Some general challenges we might find in our lives due to this wound are: feeling like we are unworthy of charging what we desire in our businesses not feeling safe to charge for our gifts being able to be receiving rather than giving all the time not understanding the business aspect of our practices overcoming scarcity and imposter syndrome struggles setting prices and marketing our services fear of rejection or persecution for being known as a healer, psychic or coach overcoming limiting beliefs around money and power I began to accept that although I did not want to deal with these challenges, I had to do so for the collective transformation we are currently experiencing. I started to see where my own personal challenges, along with my financial background, my healing abilities and my Astrological signatures that are so focused around holding space for others to heal their money, power and self-worth wounds to support my clients to live the most abundant lives possible. So, I created the Money Mastery program: Embodying the 8 Pillars of Financial Freedom to support my clients in taking their power and worth back in the area of money. I am so excited to kick off the first round of this program, starting on May 5, 2024. The Universe channeled these pillars to me during my own healing and have gently guided me into offering them as a powerful program to radically help you to shift your own money story. The program is priced at $777 for 6 weeks of life changing abundance activation. (There is also a payment plan available.) When I was told by Spirit to price the program at this amount, I was curious about the number and was told, that by activating this resonance, the number 7 can serve as a guiding principle for those of us seeking a deeper understanding of our relationship with money. And that by doing so, we would further step into an energetic activation of intuition, balance, divine support, spiritual wealth to create a harmonious relationship with money and our finances. Money Mastery 6 Week Program | Shed Light On It ( So, let's do this! I would say it's time to stop allowing money to be such a source of struggle and challenge in your life and choosing to do nothing about it. It is time!!! The Universe is supporting this collective change and it's going to happen either way, so you might as well get in front of it and stop allowing it to rule your life. I'm so happy to support and guide you! Much love, Robin Wilt Your Spiritual CFO

  • Asking for help

    Asking for help was never a strong skill of mine. I jokingly say that the Universe had to force me into it. I had to reach the very bottom to be able to realize that I couldn't do things alone. And it was an illusion if I thought I was anyway. This seems to be a phase that we all experience in some way on our spiritual journey. And y'all, I'm not gonna lie....It's not as easy as I would like to think it should or could be. Maybe I'll get better at it but right now it still seems like a bit of a failure or of an admittance of not be capable enough to do it all by myself. So, if you're catching this, I would greatly appreciate it if you would send me some love and light. I'm asking for my way to be made known and to have clear guidance and support from God and those that I love and hold dear in my heart. If you're thinking, I could also use some support, share this post and ask your friends and family for the same positive energy and love to be send your way. Keep in mind the scripture Matthew 18:20 that says, "where two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am with them". This is how we move mountains in our lives. Not isolated or trying to figure it all out by ourselves. You deserve support! And, I'll be sending you some love and support as well. I see you and I know that you're doing the best you can. Even when it seems like life isn't going how you think it should. You're showing up and you're trying. Keep going. It's usually the darkest right before God sends us the biggest blessings of our lives. xoxo, Robin Your Spiritual CFO

  • Utilizing Animals on our journey

    It's pretty interesting to me that animals have been such an important part of my spiritual journey the last decade. When I was a kid, I don't really remember having that much of a connection with them. I guess we did have a kitty named Mandy that I really loved, and I was slightly obsessed with tigers. But to be honest, I don't think the rest of God's creatures were really on my radar at that point of my life. A few years ago, I began to notice that animals were sending me guidance, support and messages from the Universe. It was a bit frustrating for a while because I didn't exactly speak animal kingdom. But over time, I began to observe what was happening when I would have these weird interactions with all kinds of animals. A hawk would fly right in front of me to get into a bird battle with a mockingbird. Or I would look down while hiking in the woods to see a snake looking up at me. An osprey would dive into the water right in front of me at the beach and come back up with a fish in his mouth. Time after time, I would have these encounters and I began to pay attention and observe what was happening around me or I began to tie it into what I was working on in my life. But one animal (or bird) that has really made itself known to me has been the owl. As I began to tune into and trust my psychic and healing abilities, I needed owl medicine more than I ever even knew. Owls began to connect with me in this new and exciting way. I would "randomly" walk down an unmarked path in the middle of the day and find myself staring at a giant ass owl in a tree. In mediations, I would see them and get to tap into their energy. I started to really love them in a way I had never done before. Since I love to learn, I started taking Animal Totem classes and workshops and eventually I taught my own. I began to understand how different cultures have utilized animal totems and energies in their lives. I loved when I was doing sessions for clients and an animal energy would come into the session or fly into my backyard and really make itself aware to me. I really ejoyed accessing the vibration of the animal for my clients and myself. But as with all things, as time goes on, we develop deeper levels of truth.... Since building my house 4 years ago, I have had pleasure of having a pair of owls living behind my house. I have watched them and been curious about their calls and hoots. Noticing how they didn't like it if I stared into their eyes for too long. But tonight when they showed up, I understood them on a deeper energetic level and it was pretty amazing y'all! In my life the last week, I had to make a pretty challenging decision that normally would kick my anxiety into overdrive. But each time I feel that old energy wanting to come up, I just stop and breathe and connect with my inner knowing and wisdom. I believe part of the reason I was able to do this is from working with owl energy. I saw one of the pair sitting in my tree tonight, just calmly waiting and biding its time. I was able to see at a much deeper level than before. He (she?) was vocalizing to its pair. Communicating and being supported but also just waiting for the right opportunity to move. Tunning into with its senses and truth so deeply that it didn't need to waste energy jumping from tree to tree to find its dinner. Just patiently waiting and knowing; I will succeed. If you happen to find yourself reading this post, I would take it as a divine message. Know that whatever it is that you are desiring in life is on its way to you. But you need to start believing it. Start believing in your own internal wisdom and knowing. Stop allowing that old voice of doubt to tear you away from your truth. You are a magical fucking being and nothing can keep you from your path. You are loved, and seen in so many ways. Rock on and do your thing. And if you need an extra boost, Mr. Owl or Ms. Robin is here to help you, lol. Love ya! Robin, Your Spiritual CFO

  • Playing detective with your triggers

    I was chatting with a client this week about some struggles she has been going through in her business. Because of various perceived setbacks, she has been trying to figure out if she should stick with it or move on from her business. With these challenges, she has been trying to figure out what the Universe is trying to teach her. Why she is in these situations that feel uncomfortable and counterproductive. I saw very clearly an image of her playing detective and trying to solve the puzzle. What was coming through loud and clear from Spirit is that - when we are healing growing and expanding, we are not meant to be figuring out why these things are occurring. The main objective is to be present as much as possible. If we trust that we are held by a loving Universe that wants the best for us, this is a bit easier to do. However, we all have trauma and sometimes this can restrict us from allowing life to unfold as it should. If we look at it energetically, the larger flow of the Universe is happening, and we are trying to insert ourselves into the river that is gushing all around us. If we can take space to allow our feelings to be felt, to stop and accept what is, the energy can begin to flow once more. Allowing life to unfold and to reveal its beauty to us. If you are struggling this week, I see you. I know it hasn’t been an easy one. Take a moment and allow yourself to just be. Perhaps engage in some much needed self-care and allow the Universe to do its thing! (Bonus, you can also hit me up for a discovery call if you need some extra 1x1 love). Spiritual Mentor and Empowerment Coach ( Your Spiritual CFO, Robin

  • Growing your business

    I know firsthand that growing a business is a labor of love. You enjoy what you do, so you keep pushing and striving, working weird hours at times to make it all work. But what if I told you that the best thing you could do for your business (and yourself), is to take those breaks when they come? So many times, Spirit has told me to really take advantage of those lulls. This is for multiple reasons: 1) you are not worth it to anyone if you are working while you are burned out or close to it 2) many times breaks or lulls come right before some big breakthrough or shift which is going to require extra energy from you, so you need to make sure you are well fueled and rested 3) you are not a machine and you are still a human being. Your body, mind, spirit and soul need rest. 4) taking breaks can allow you to receive important downloads or insights about your situation. This could help you to change course or restructure for greater efficiency So, if you need an extra boost or if you are finding it hard to take those breaks, hit me up! When we are struggling to take breaks, there are oftentimes underlying wounds or beliefs that can be shifted to allow you to come into deeper alignment with your energy. And, good for you! I know how to spot those. Let’s chat using the link below and see what we can do to get you well rested and forward moving towards your goals. Love ya! Robin

  • When is the last time you took a brain dump?

    Do you ever have those moments when you look back on life and you’re surprised you didn’t know something about yourself? For about 35 years of my life, I had NO clue that I had anxiety and that I lived most of my days in my head. I came to learn that in a lot of ways, my head was my safe space - I could disconnect from my external surroundings and go inward to avoid life. In the chaotic household I grew up in, it was all just too much for me - the energy, the feelings, the sounds. So, being in my head kept me from having to feel all the things. And it kinda worked for a while, until it didn’t anymore. One of the things I learned is that so much of what was happening inside my little brain, was shit that was never going to happen in real life. I was the master of creating a million different outcomes and scenarios to situations. And, I promise you - NONE of them were good! It was all doom and gloom happening upstairs. But a few years ago, I had a major download on a long paddle boarding trip. Spirit told me that so much of the anxiety that we experience is just unprocessed fear. The other kicker is that we can pick up this energy and beliefs from our surroundings, society and other people. And for those of us that are energetically sensitive, it can be even more of an issue. One of the things that became pivotal for my emotional and mental wellbeing is what I lovingly dubbed “brain dumps”. I mean, we take poops every day to release toxins from our body from the foods we digest, it only makes sense that we would do the same for our brains. I would grab a piece of paper and just let them fly! Fear about love, fear about being alone, fear about success and not having enough, blah, blah - you get the picture. But by giving these fears a voice and a platform, I was able t process them once and for all and oftentimes, seeing them on paper make me realize how ridiculous they were. But most importantly, giving myself the space to briefly see and acknowledge them, actually allowed me to feel any feelings around them in a safe space. I invite you to try this for yourself. This is homework I often times channel for my coaching clients when we are working to expand their businesses or heal their finances. It is amazing to see the things that are lurking in your subconscious. Notice how you feel before and after the brain dump. If it feels good, make it part of your energetic maintenance. BONUS points for all you overachievers out there - The other amazing thing I’ve seen is how transformative it is to have someone bear witness to your ponderings. When you’re done, hop on a complimentary 15-minute chat using the link below and share your findings with me. Spiritual Mentor and Empowerment Coach ( Much love to you! Robin Wilt, Your Spiritual CFO

  • Gratitude

    Have you ever noticed how it’s much easier to give gratitude when things are going your way? It’s easier to thank the universe when you have manifested the exact thing you desire. But have you thought about when things don’t go your way….have you ever noticed that there is still a blessing. Even when the gifts look slightly different or are delayed, there are still lessons and magic being woven into the tapestry of your life. Sometimes, we can see this easily with timing of desires coming to fruition in the physical. That might be a little easier to understand. For me, the challenges come when the blessings come in COMPLETELY different packages than I would have imagined. That is currently happening in my life. I love my business and what I do, but I’m still in the process of growing it to the point where it can be my main jam. For some time I have been praying for some financial relief. I had no idea at the time, but leaving my corporate job started me on a two year journey of deep healing around money, success, and self-worth. So, for now, I have taken a FT temporary position that is not at all what I envisioned for my life. Am I completely happy about it? No, but I trust God. I trust that even if I don’t understand why, I am meant to be exactly where I am right now. So, I keep doing the only things I know how - 1)talking to God about it. 2)allowing myself to acknowledge and feel the feelings 3)keep practicing surrender and gratitude. Even if the gratitude seems a bit lack luster or maybe a work in progress. That’s okay. Perhaps in a few months, you’ll look back on your life and see a situation, job or relationship with a bit more clarity than you do now. But for now, give as much thanks as you can. You are loved, you are protected and all is well. Your Spiritual CFO

  • Understanding how to give....

    SEVA or selfless service has shown me so much about myself and others, and how we operate moving through the world. Oftentimes, we think that someone who gives is such a wonderful, caring person. And, I’m not disagreeing with that, but what I realized over the weekend through looking at my own motivation for giving is that giving can stem from two different places. 1) Giving from an abundant heart-centered space means having our own internal resources met first. This giving is provided with no strings attached, no expectations, and complete trust that our own needs are also being met (because we allow them to be by being open to receiving). 2) Giving from a sense of obligation, feeling like you don’t have a purpose unless you are giving, martyrdom, lack and conditions. Conditions on giving are oftentimes given subconsciously without either party being aware of what they are. I.E - I did this for you, means you are obligated to do this other thing for me. Giving and receiving from these two places and spaces feels VASTLY different in our bodies, minds, and hearts. Because we are energetic beings, these unspoken requests affect how we feel about our interactions with others and our expectations of their actions. When giving, I try to make sure I do these things first a) make sure my own cup is full b) allow others to make requests of me for what they need and desire c) if I’m not sure, I ask the person d) I check myself to make sure my giving is coming from an aligned space So, this isn’t to say that you can no longer do nice things for people, but I would just check in with yourself along the way. This is especially true during the holidays when people feel soooo obligated to do and give things. If resentment starts to creep in or you find yourself doing something because you feel like it’s expected of you, make sure to check in with yourself to see if it’s something you really want to give.

  • Can you allow the Universe to lead?

    I know I come back to dance for a lot of my teaching and stories. But y’all it has been such a pivotal part of my personal evolution, and it teaches me something every day about life, the Universe and how I move through my journey. With partner dancing, there is this beautiful symbiotic relationship that is happening between the lead and the follow. The follow is typically feminine and the lead is typically male. And even if the people who are playing these roles are not physically matching up with the sex, the energy is still the same. The lead is gently but firmly guiding and asking the follow to play along with them. The lead is giving space for the follow to shine and to be seen while creating a safe space to do so. But this requires the follow to trust, relax, and surrender to the suggestions her partner is making. It's almost like when you agree to a 3–5-minute dance with a leader, you are putting aside your own ideas about how the dance should look or feel. You are saying, “yes, I trust you to take care of me for these moments so we can mutually enjoy this interaction.” But you also have to hold your own and know the basics. And sometimes it works better than others. Some combinations don’t work. Like, maybe the lead is not forceful enough or not gentle enough. Maybe you don’t feel safe with them once you get out on the dance floor. Maybe your head is somewhere other than the present moment and you’re not able to relax and follow the lead’s direction. But no matter what the experience, there has been this energy that has been created between the two of you for these few moments. Maybe you learned something new about yourself or what you like or don’t like. Maybe you realized you like or don’t like dancing with this particular partner. It’s all just a bit of trial and error, missteps and successes. And the reason this has been so helpful for me in my own life is because I was such a damned perfectionist control freak, that I didn’t feel safe relaxing or letting someone else take the lead or direct me. I especially didn’t trust masculine energy; partner dancing really helped me to see how this was so closely related to how the Universe or God works. For me, the Universe is the masculine energy, guiding and directing us. I am meant to be in the flow and filling in where I’m able to. Creating and speaking up when the opportunity is there to do so. I trust my partner (God) to communicate with me and to care about my feelings, needs and desires. I am not told what to do and when to do it, but instead I am asked to go along for the “dance”. I am asked for input. Sometimes it is used and sometimes it is not, but ultimately the trust that I have in God tells me that it is all good, even when it doesn’t always look good. Even when I struggle or misunderstand what is happening, I can trust that some higher divine order is in control, and I can just relax, let go and have fun 😊 If you're reading this, perhaps there is some area of your own life where you could loosen your grip a bit? Where in life are you holding onto what you this the situation should look like? Why might you be in the current place you are? Loves y’all Robin Your Spiritual CFO

  • Wheeling and dealing with the Universe.

    While in my shower this morning I was thinking about how I like to wheel and deal with the Universe. I've also had friends and clients ask me about this, so I figured now would be a good time to share it with y'all collectively. Sometimes the powers that be (God, Universe, Higher Power, Spirit, my higher self) want me to do things that I really don't want to do. Or rather, my ego doesn't want to do. If I look back on my journey the last decade, I remember a few times where this has come up and been very profound in my growth. The one I want to share with you is my Ayachascua connection. For about 8 years, she has been in my field. I even thought I would experience her back in 2018 or so but I backed out last minute because something didn't feel right about the "shamans" I was going to sit with. But that's a whole nother story we'll save for a different time. Anyway, I kinda felt like at some point it might align but it was out of sight, out of mind. It came up again in maybe 2019 or so and again it just didn't feel like the right time. I went back to life and different healing modailites. And I guess Mother Aya was probably in the background patiently waiting. For those of y'all who haven't sat with her yet, this is how she works. She calls to you when it is time. For me that came in the beginning of 2022. I started to hear people around me talk about her. I saw videos on Youtube, you know the usual signs we get. But ya'll, I was nervouuussss. I really don't like to puke, like I probably had a little anxiety around it. I got to this point of surrender and just said, "okay Universe if you want me to do this, here are my requirements and boundaries". They were - I wanted a ceremony in the states, preferably somewhere I could easily drive to. I wanted my first ceremony to be a private one on one experience. I wanted to be comfortable and to really trust the shaman. Well, let me tell you, the Universe responded quick with my wheeling and dealing and a few days later I ran into a friend who told me she would be sitting soon. In that moment, I had a feeling it was a done deal but sometimes I can be a hardheaded sceptic. So I started creeping on this woman's page to see what services she offered and what her energy was like. Just based on her website, I was feeling good but I was still feeling a bit nervous and scheduled a call to chat with the Shamana. And guess what y'all?! Shocker!! The Universe had ticked off my list of requirements to a T. She was in Florida, she had this super amazing grounded energy that I intuitvely knew I could trust and she offered private ceremonies. Seems like a match made in heaven! LOL. So, when you find yourself feeling led by the Universe to do something, it doesn't mean that you can't have your input as well. To truly co-create, with us, the Universe wants us to have some say in the things that are coming down the proverbial line for us. If you find yourself wanting to move or to do a class or work with a healer or coach, but you are hesitant or afraid - tell the Universe what you need. Be clear about your boundaries and your needs. I promise you, the Universe will repond and assist you with those things. Just be willing to have them delivered in a way you may not dream of on your own. Loves ya, Robin your Spiritual CFO

  • The closest relationship we'll ever have

    I had this realization a few years back, that regardless of our practical relationship with our birth mothers, it is still the closest relationship we will ever have with another person. What I mean by this is she is the only person we will ever have our entire body inside of, she is the only person who provided sustenance, shelter and creation to our growing fetus. She is the only person who felt our heartbeat forming in our chest. She is the only person who knew that by bringing us into the world, her life would NEVER be the same. But I also started to realize what a thankless job this can be. Children don't really care about their mother's needs or her emotional or spiritual struggles. In general , they are not wired to be concerned with her trauma, drama, addiction, mental illness or any other challenge of life. In some ways, for some time, one of their main functions is to need and take and to be put first, regardless of whether she has any energy to give. And as we get older, and we start to do our personal growth and heal our trauma, we start to notice many things that didn't go so well in our upbringing. And, because of this integral bond, or lack thereof, with our birth mother, she can take on a lot of blame for the things we are dealing with. My own relationship with my mother is complex and filled with a variety of conflicting emotions. When I was younger, my mom was my favorite parent in a lot of ways. Even though I have heard from my older siblings, that as the youngest child for many years, I was coddled and spoiled by both parents, I always felt this special place in my heart for my mom. Until I started to notice all the human things about her. At some point, I really started to be annoyed and embarassed by so many of her personality quirks. When I started my path of healing and therapy 20 years ago, I did a lot of work around my mom. I felt like I had gotten to a good place with her. I could enjoy being with her, without snapping at her and being annoyed by her idiosyncrasies. I could really appreaciate her as a mom and all the things she did (and didn't do for me). And now that my mom is 74 years old, and I am 44 years old, I find myself again faced with a new level of healing. My mom is still pretty young but her health isn't all that great. A lifetime of bad eating habits and not really any self-care to speak of has provided her with a variety of health challenges. She is also a Pisces and prone to being in the clouds and "out there" with some of the ways she percieves or responds to things in life. I have tried to help with her care when I can, but my little sister has taken on the majority of it, and honestly I'm so grateful she has. I really don't know if I would be able to. Sometimes, when I take her to doctors appointments or out to lunch, it's all I can do to keep my shit together for a few hours. Some days are obviously better, but some days, the triggers are just too much. In addition to my own shit I'm working through with my mom, I stronlgy dislike the traditional medical system due to some past experiences I had. Lately I have been feeling this deep anger, sadness and frustration towards my mom. At times, I'm not sure what to do with it or how to release it once and for all. The tools that I have seem to just be a bandaid in many ways. Then, becuase my mom is so sweet and loving, I feel like an asshole for feeling that way. It's a vicious cycle of internal self-flagellation after I spend time with her. I want so deeply for her to stay on this Earth plane and to be healthy, while also wondering how much more of this I can bear. Saying or thinking that I'm tired of my mom being alive is by far one of the worst things I have ever thought. And obviously, it's not that I don't want her here but sometimes I feel like all of our lives are on hold until she passes. For me, I have been wanting to move from Florida for a few years now. There has been fear, and guilt that have held me back. Fear of not being near my family and also immense guilt of leaving them, especially my mom. What I'm realizing and remembering, is that this kind of growth is part of the process. It doens't make us bad people to feel sad, frustrated or annoyed by our loved ones and their circumstances. It doesn't mean we love them any less or that we wish them ill. It is just a reminder that we are human and also dealing with human issues. Side note: I did end up doing some forgiveness and release work with my mom's soul that really helped me in so many ways. Acknowledging these feelings and allowing ourselves to work through them by being heard and expressing them in a safe container can be so healing for not only us, but also our mom's and the collective. I know that my mom's soul and our lineage is getting benefits from the emotional work that I'm doing. And I sure as hell know that I feel better afterwards too :) Loves y'all, Robin your Spiritual CFO

  • How we diminish our power and light

    Being extremely senstive and intuitive has been really challenging honestly. First, because I wasn't even consciously aware of it for many years and second because it can cause some confusion until you recognize it and own it. For me, so much of learning to own it and the gifts that come along with it, has come through understanding boundaries and being in my own energy as much as I possibly can. This morning I had the pleasure of playing Uno with my brother-in-law and my mom for a bit while we had our family Thanksgiving breakfast. Since I seem to learn about life from inocuous interactions, I shouldn't have been surprised about this ahhh haaa moment. While we were playing, at times, I realized that I would ignore my intution and my gut telling me to play a particular card. I got curious why this was happening? I discovered some part of me felt bad about making someone pick up extra cards, causing any kind of inconveience to someone I care about, or me winning the game, and them by default losing. Since I was just enjoying the family time, I wasn't super concerned with winning or losing. And at times, it was nice to just prolong the game if I was able to. And I found my opponents doing the same thing at times - appologzing for putting down a draw 4 card, or explaining that it was the only card they had. Funny, since card games can rely so much on keeping your hand close and not disclosing what you have available for play. At times, we were all guilty of holding back for fear of hurting each other in this way. Too funny, really since it's a game that is meant to be fun! But it got me thinking, how often do we do this in life? How often do we minimize our own victories or abilities so we can try to make others feel more safe or comfortable around us? Which is not necessary if we are in alignment with Spirit. Spirit is abundance and joy and allowing everyone to shine in their rigthful magic. I have personally seen and been a part of circumstances where each member is able to uplift and praise one another so we can all equally be in our own power and ablilities - sharing the limelight when our time comes. However, I do believe that how we do one thing in life, can be an example of how we show up in other areas of life. Maybe start to notice where in the past or currently you are diming your light because you think it will take away from another's opportunity. This is scarcity thinking at its finest. Also be mindful of offering forgiveness to yourself and others when lack thinking comes up, becuase it probably will. As a collective we are learning so much around empowerment and abundance. There are moments when we can choose to fully support one another and lift each other up. But there are also moments when we can shine brightly and be fully in our magic. Live there as much as you can. This allows others to do the same. I love y'all and Happy Thanksgiving Robin, Your SpiritualCFO Oracle card from Doreen Virtue, PH.D. - Daily Guidance from Your Angels deck

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